Thrifty Thursday 3 ways to re – use a plastic milk bottle

This first one is a great item for children to use, especially if they
want to help water the garden, but can’t lift a heavy adult sized watering can..
Watering can made from a re – used plastic milk bottle,
1) Take a clean plastic milk bottle with screw lid,
2) Use a cork screw to carefully make scattered holes in the lid
3) Fill the bottle with water, screw lid on securely
4) Get watering 🙂

The next one is from ‘Bliss Blooms Blog’ so pretty I had to include it!
The instructions for this one and measurements are on her Blog;
Re – used Plastic milk bottle :

Milk jug bird feeder
Also from another great Blog I found:
  1. Get a clean dry milk bottle,
  2. On one non-handle side of the jug, use your marker to draw openings where the birds can access the bird seed. Also mark where you want to insert the chopstick/ pencil or straight piece of twig, which will act as a perch for your feathered friends.
  3. Use scissors to cut out the door and hole for the perch; you can use a box cutter to score the center of your cutouts as needed to make it easier to cut into the plastic. Insert chopstick into perch holes.
  4. Remove lid of the jug and tie twine, strong string or thin wire around the base of the neck just under the cap’s threading and tie; replace cap.
  5. Decorate with markers or paint, if desired.
  6. Fill with bird seed, hang from a tree branch or from a hook on the eave of your roof and watch your kids ooh and aah in amazement as they spy birds coming to feed.



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